Well I thought I was getting back into the blogging of projects and interests but things quickly became busy and hectic. I started a placement at a furniture makers called Parker and Farr and seem to of joined the team at the right time with great projects and great opportunities within design. I am now currently in my final year of studies at Nottingham Trent also so my "free" time is limited in these things I enjoyed doing. To give an update on my projects I have just completed my minor project on my course. I will go into greater details in another blog post but here is a quick image showing the final outcome. ( it's a task lamp by the way) My next project is looking into small spaces, modular furniture and the "workspace" that will hopefully have an interesting design outcome. I am also looking into sustainability for my dissertation looking at a blue sky project into the design of dishwashers specifically. If you would like to view more of this minor project before my next blog post please go to my website
Thank you.