Finished piece
From trent shows |
example of printing I did for this project |
The brief for this project was to create a piece of artwork that will be on display in the reception of Boots head office in Nottingham. My first inspirations came from the Nottingham Trent Shows where textile students had printed plants/ flowers onto their fabrics. This gave me inspirations to look into using the ingredients that go into some of the boots products. I came across a book in the library called Creative Paper where there were some amazing ways to play and change the shape of a normal piece of paper. A tutor at college suggested i look at the works of
Peter Callesen and from there I began making and cutting plant and flowers out of paper. We where then given a list of some of the ingredients used in the boots products and researching them I came across a flower called a calendula. I created the final piece on an A1 size of paper and mirrored the image i had of the calendula making the cut out image from above be mirrored also below giving the flower a kind of endless growth. I needed a back ground to make the upper image stand out more than just on coloured or textured background so I choose to have the list of the ingredients as the back ground and the lower flowers having the word calendula climbing up the stems of the flower.
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